About GOC Retail
We had a dream
We wanted to change the way retailers around the world think about achieving their vision for growth and prepare for what’s next. It’s not just about the software – it’s about so much more. We wanted to change the conversation from the reactionary to the visionary: “How do I prepare for what’s next?”
A little bit different
We love working in an industry where customer-focus is paramount and means always finding ways to do things better. By nature we aren’t followers – we are leaders and we love the challenge of continuous innovation. And, let’s be honest, we love working with cool brands who want to find new ways to do things.
Nordic Cool. Down-Under Attitude.
We think part of what separates us from the pack is our unusual pedigree. We were originally established in the Australian and New Zealand region, by a team of Nordic expat and Australian and New Zealand business consultants, which we think is a pretty awesome mix. We are a fusion of everything great about the Nordics – the innovative approach, the desire for clean intelligent solutions, with a dash of viking thrown in – and unique Aussie-Kiwi characteristics: renowned early adopters, a somewhat maverick temperament and the legendary down-to-earth friendliness. And both cultures have a strong global awareness. What this results in is a company who values quality, sees the big picture, and is always future focused, but we never lose sight of the very human side of retail – the customers, the service and you.
A background in supply chain
We are a brand of ComActivity, a supply chain technology leader. About 10 years ago we transitioned to retail where the goals are clear – to serve your customers exceptionally, whether they are online or in-store, and drive sales. Which requires having full control of your brand’s products’ location, stock-levels and delivery. Our core strengths still drive us – deep industry knowledge, focus on our client’s vision, and how to use best-of-breed technology to deliver that vision.